Expert organization DEKRA Slovensko sro

About us

DEKRA Slovensko, since its establishment in 1995 under the name SLOVDEKRA, has been performing forensic and expert activities in the field of road transport.
We currently perform expert and expert activities in field 030000 - Road transport in:
  • branch 030100 - Technical condition of road vehicles
  • 030402 - Estimation of the value of road vehicles
We are a member of the Association of Road Transport Experts of the Slovak Republic, which brings together experts, experts organizations and expert institutes in this field in the Slovak Republic, through which we work with experts in road transport.
The main task of our experts is to prepare expert opinions, expertise and expert opinions. The contracting authorities for the preparation of expert acts may be, for example, state authorities, legal entities (eg insurance companies, leasing companies, importers of vehicles of various brands, transport companies, vehicle manufacturers and car repair shops) as well as natural persons.
Based on the entry in the list of experts registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, we are entitled to perform the following


  • Documenting the technical condition of the road vehicle - making photo documentation and writing a record of the technical condition of the vehicle.
  • Determining the value of a road vehicle - e.g. in the case of sale of vehicles from the company's property, determination of the value of the vehicle fleet in mergers, divisions and liquidations of companies, in the case of a non-monetary contribution to the company's property, in inheritance proceedings, or in the settlement of BSM e.g. after the divorce proceedings (these are undamaged vehicles, but also vehicles in a damaged condition).
  • Determining the value of a damaged vehicle - e.g. for the purpose of determining the amount of insurance indemnity after a traffic accident or in the event of a loss event, but also for the decommissioning of a vehicle from the company's property
  • Determining the value of a stolen vehicle - e.g. for insurance companies, courts, the police or even private individuals
  • Determining the amount of damage to the vehicle - e.g. damage during transport of the vehicle to the seller (dealer)
  • Determining how to repair a damaged vehicle - e.g. in the application of insurance benefits in the insurance company
  • Calculation of the cost of repairing a damaged vehicle
  • Assessment of the technical condition of the vehicle - e.g. when buying a used vehicle, or after repairing the vehicle

Preliminary interest in EXPERT OPINION

If you are interested in an expert opinion, expertise or consultation, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The Expertise Organization does not carry out inspections after end of lease. If you are interested in contacting us about these inspections, please go to our page Inspection After The End of Lease .