Emission sticker for Austria

As of January 1, 2015, all trucks and semi-trailers operating in the districts of Vienna, Vienna-surroundings, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria, Tyrol, Burgenland must have an Austrian emission label. We mediate the sale of ecological plaques in cooperation with our partner DEKRA Austria Automotive GmbH.
All you have to do is send the following to plakety.sk@dekra.com:
  • a binding order with the customer's contact and billing information
  • color double-sided scan of OEV - part II (so-called large technical license) of each motor vehicle for which you request to issue a low-emission plaque.
We will send you the plaques within 15 working days.
The price of the plaque is EUR 46.00 including VAT.


Andrea Kurišová, Martina Bartová
tel.: 037/652 47 51