DEKRA Safety Event 2023

Every year in DEKRA Slovakia, the school year begins with a campaign aimed at children, which focuses on road safety. During this campaign, we distribute red children's caps with reflective elements to the smallest road users at our MOTs. We continued this effort this year as well.

Together with the police officers from Prievidza, we organized a safety event for children in the Kindergarten in Prievidza for the fifth time. During this event, the children received useful information from police officers about safely crossing the pedestrian crossing and what they should wear when riding a scooter or bicycle. A big attraction for the children was the police car with lights and horns, which the policewomen allowed them to examine and also showed them the various tools they use at work. Police handcuffs were especially popular :)
Of course, this year there was also a traditional activity with eggs - one naughty egg that didn't have a helmet on the bike, and one responsible one that wore one. Which one broke after falling? You can see more in our Gallery.