Anti-corruption policy

The preamble

of DEKRA Slovensko sro hereby accepts its obligations in the area of ​​the fight against corruption, bribery, unethical behavior, anti-social activities, money laundering, and all-round transparency, as expressed in the Anti-Bribery Management Systems Handbook. The anti-corruption policy of our company DEKRA Slovensko sro is publicly available and published on the web. website ( on the notice board in all areas of the company (branch) and includes the basic values ​​in the fight against corruption at all levels of management. Anti-corruption policy is reflected in other documents that form a comprehensive management system of the anti-corruption company.
The purpose of anti-corruption policy is to improve anti-corruption prevention and the fight against corruption, while taking into account the current dynamics in the development of corruption phenomena, conditions and opportunities. Address the emergence of possible new corruption situations, identify corruption risks and causes of corruption. The basic starting point for the application of the comprehensive anti-corruption management system and the ABMS management system is this Policy, which:
a) prohibits corruption and bribery;
b) requires compliance with the anti-corruption laws that apply to our company;
c) implement procedures to reduce the concern of our employees of reporting complaints without fear of reprisals, in good faith and on the basis of reasonable confidence;
d) includes a commitment to continuous improvement of the bribery management system;
e) explain the legitimacy and independence of the anti-corruption compliance function;
f) explain the consequences of non-compliance with anti-corruption policy.

1. Scope of the anti-corruption policy

The policy applies to all employees of our company DEKRA Slovensko sro and to every individual or business entity that acts on behalf of the company in all business locations and projects.

2. Legislation

DEKRA Slovensko sro declares that it will comply with all laws, legal standards and international ISO standards in the field of the fight against corruption.

3. Declaration of zero tolerance of corruption

Introducing zero tolerance of corruption with notification to all business partners at the beginning of the business relationship with our company DEKRA Slovensko sro None of our employees or company representatives will give or accept bribes or any unjustified benefits, either directly or through third parties. pages. No one will give or accept bribes for equipment. We will not give or accept any gifts, hospitality, financial gifts or benefits that could unfairly affect any decision or impair independence or judgment.

4. Conflict of interest

We will responsibly examine situations in which the interests of our company and the interests of end users of the benefits could conflict with our obligations or responsibilities. We declare that we do not cooperate or will not cooperate with partners who have demonstrably proven corrupt or unethical behavior.

5. Carrying out our activities

We carry out our activities fairly, honestly, transparently and with integrity and in accordance with the laws, regulations, standards and directives, domestic and international, that apply to our business in all jurisdictions.

6. Establishment of the position of ABMS manager "White Knight"

Ing. Slavomír Boor.

7. Declaration and publication of the Code of Ethics

Anti-corruption policy integrates the Code of Ethics and conduct in our company. We effectively check, report and resolve any manifestation of corruption with the relevant public authorities in accordance with the legal norms of the Slovak Republic. In the event that anyone becomes aware that there has been any violation or weakening of anti-corruption policy or published procedures, we request that the situation be reported to our superior or White Knight, Ing. Slavomir Boor: +421/41/565 03 35, e-mail:
Complaints and notifications must be reported via a mailbox set up in a designated generally accessible place. Reporting can be confidential, anonymous, or addressed. We will review each report and take appropriate action.
Prevention, detection and reporting of corruption and other forms of anti-social activity is the responsibility of all employees. No one will be punished for making an ethically sound decision or for reporting corruption or suspected corruption that they report in good faith or on the basis of reasonable conviction.

8. Raising awareness of corruption

We want to improve our ability to perceive corruption, to understand the context of corruption, its manifestations, ways and consequences, as well as to develop the competencies, skills, motivation and attitudes needed for anti-corruption behavior. We provide training on anti-corruption policy, which is part of the induction process for all our employees and, if necessary, we also provide training for business partners.

9. Preventive measures, system review and continuous improvement

We want to implement appropriate management procedures that prevent any breach of anti-corruption policy and also detect any breach of this policy. We want to monitor the effectiveness of these procedures and implement all the improvements needed to increase the efficiency of the management system. We have appointed a compliance officer who has the necessary authority and independence to oversee the effectiveness of our procedures. We want our anti-corruption policy and support procedures to be adhered to. We will take appropriate action in the event of any violation.

10. Management Approval

This policy was evaluated and approved by the Company's Board of Directors on December 2, 2019.
This Directive shall enter into force on 02.12.2019